Payroll for
Small Employers



As a small employer, you have already taken the plunge and have one or two employees. Perhaps you’re looking after their payroll yourself and you’re feeling like you’ve got too much to do to crunch those numbers every week or month. Or perhaps your payroll is already with a provider, but you’re unhappy for some reason and want to see if you can be taken better care of elsewhere.

Payroll For Small Businesses

We’d love to talk about what your business does. Why you either want to switch providers or let someone else take care of payroll for you. We love small businesses and want to make sure our service fits what you need like a glove. Larger payroll providers can treat customers with a ‘one size fits all’ approach but we’re small enough to be able to make sure that we take care of what’s really important to you, and adapt how we work to your needs.

After discussing your business so that we can get to know you, we’ll send our Letter of Engagement and GDPR Data Processor Agreement to you. This lays out what we’ll do for you and when, and you’ll know what you’ll need to do to make sure your payroll runs smoothly.

We’ll also agree a plan to enable your payroll to be set up in the easiest way possible, and agree some dates for things to be done by so you’ll know exactly when things will be completed.

We’ll take care of the transfer of your payroll from your current provider or from your own system into ours, meaning very little intervention from you.

We’ll ensure you’ve compliant with things like National Minimum Wage and Holiday Entitlement.  We’ll also talk to you about Auto Enrolment Workplace Pensions and help you choose a pension scheme that will fit with your business.

Our Fixed Fee, Small Business Payroll Service starts at £30.59 per month which includes pension processing*.

And set-up of an auto enrolment compliant pension scheme can be completed from as little as £249.00**.

happy small bsuiness owner from using payrollability
small business after using payrollability

Our Comprehensive Small Employer Payroll Service 

  • Standard payroll payment calculations and tax and NI deductions
  • Calculation of holiday entitlement, and management of holiday and absence***.
  • Monthly assessment of employees for Workplace Pension status, and notification of change of status. Pension contribution calculation and deduction.
  • Electronic pay slips emailed to you or directly to each employee at your request.
  • Completion of your monthly RTI submission to HMRC.
  • Upload of your pension data file to your Workplace Pension Provider.
  • Suite of standard reports (or custom report) for your records, which can be provided directly to your accountant at your request.
  • Manual reconciliation and monthly update of Employers Allowance used.
  • Update each month of the value of PAYE deductions due to HMRC, and a reminder of the date that payment is due.
  • Update each month of the value of pension deduction and contribution payment due to your pension provider, and a reminder of the date that payment is due.
  • Addition of new employees to the payroll.
  • Processing of leavers and electronic P45 emailed to you or directly to them at your request.
  • Year End Process, including electronic P60’s emailed directly to you.
  • Includes 1 hour of phone support during each financial year.
  • 14 day credit terms on each invoice. 
small business using payrollability

Contact Us For Small Employer Payroll Today

Call the office today on 01384 92 90 20. We’d be happy to discuss your business and how we can support you as you grow.


* Quoted fees are for businesses with 1 employee only (2023-24 tax year).

** Fee based on Nest Pension Scheme.  Other fees may apply with other pension providers.

*** Management of other absence e.g. maternity, paternity, shared or adoption leave, and production of letters charged at an hourly rate of £60.00 or as illustrated in your quotation.

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