Carer Payroll Services
Our Carer Payroll Services Help Make The Whole Process Easier!
We appreciate that many families now choose to arrange a Carer privately for their loved ones, and find themselves in the difficult position of not only having to find a Carer that is a good fit for both the family and person receiving care, but having to put payroll in place. It might be the first time that you’ve encountered payroll from the perspective of being the employer, and the statutory responsibilities that come with hiring a Carer maybe somewhere between unknown and overwhelming.
Choose PayrollAbility for Carer Payroll
One conversation with us will give you some clarity around your responsibilities, and outline what we do, and how we can take care of that responsibility for you, whilst keeping you informed of progress and ensuring your compliance with HMRC, employment law and if required, The Pensions Regulator.
As with everything we do, we’re here to make things simple. After a chat about working hours and pay your Carer will receive, we can guide you through holiday monitoring, employment contracts, whether you need a auto enrolment workplace pension, and answer any other questions that you have.
Getting Started
If you’re then happy to proceed, we’ll forward our Letter of Engagement and GDPR Addendum in an email that asks for a few more facts about how and when you plan to pay your Carer, and whether we’re looking after things like holiday monitoring and auto enrolment.
There will also be a link to the HMRC New Starter form, which your Carer employee will need to complete. These documents are then returned to us by email.
Its likely you haven’t yet registered for a PAYE scheme with HMRC, so we’ll get on with this straight away and we’ll begin payroll set-up payroll at this point.
Throughout the process we expect you’ll have questions and are on hand to walk you through things such as national minimum wage, how tax and national insurance are calculated, and to help you answer any questions your new Carer or candidate has.
Our fixed fee Carer Payroll service starts at £35.20 per month which includes pension processing*
And set-up of a compliant Auto Enrolment Workplace Pension Scheme can be completed from as little as £249.00**

Our Carer Payroll Service Includes:
- Standard payroll payment calculations and income tax and national insurance deductions.
- Calculation and monitoring of holiday entitlement. Annual leave and absence monitored and records of holiday taken kept, with a monthly report and calendar provided.
- Monthly assessment of employees for Workplace Pension status, and notification of change of status. Contribution calculation and deduction.
- Electronic pay slips emailed to you and directly to your employees at your request.
- Completion of your monthly electronic return to HMRC.
- Upload of your pension data file to your Auto Enrolment Pension Provider.
- Reports for your records, which will be provided directly to you and a third party or accountant at your request.
- Confirmation of the amount to be paid to HMRC each quarter, and a reminder of the date that it’s due.
- Confirmation of the amount to be paid to your pension provider each month, and a reminder of the date that it’s due.
- Addition of new employees to the payroll.
- Processing of leavers and electronic P45s emailed to you or directly to them at your request.
- Year End Process, including electronic P60s emailed directly to you.
- 14 day credit terms on each invoice

Contact Us For Carer Payroll
Arranging payroll for a Carer doesn’t need to be a headache. Our simple payroll service, from set up to your monthly payroll becoming business as usual is what we do.
Call Nadine today on 01273 56 92 27 to find out how simple we can make this for you.
*Quoted fees are for households with 1 carer only (2023-24 tax year)
**Fee based on Nest Pension Scheme. Other fees many apply with other pension providers.
*** Management of other absence e.g. maternity, paternity, shared or adoption leave, and production of letters charged at an hourly rate of £60.00 or as illustrated in your quotation.
36 Cavendish House
Kings Road