Getting Started

Find out more about how we can help

Getting Started

You can contact us on 01273 56 92 27 now. Office hours are 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

Alternatively, complete our contact form. Let us have details of the best times for us to make a call to you, and we’ll do our best to reach you at those times.

We’ll talk about your business or circumstances, and what’s needed to ensure you don’t end up in hot water with HMRC or the Pension Regulator. During the call we’ll give you guidance and advise so whether you choose to let us take care of your payroll or not, you’ll feel more knowledgeable and sure of what needs to be done.

Our Small Business Payroll Service starts at £30.59 per month, and our Employee Self Service Portal from £15.50 per month. You can choose to add other services and we’ll ensure you fully understand any extra costs involved.

We’ll give you the monthly cost during the call and confirm that price in a written quotation by email.

We’ll agree the next step during the call so that you’re comfortable with what happens next and know that we’re already taking care of you and your business.

Once our Letter of Engagement and GDPR Data Processor Agreement is completed and returned we’ll send the employee forms required to gather the information we need to create your payroll.

We’ll complete the creation of your payroll and after checking and sign-off by you, we’re ready to run the first one when it’s due.

We really do keep it that simple for you!


If you’re ready to let PayrollAbility take care of things, follow this link to download our Letter of Engagement and other documents, and let us begin to support you and your employees.

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36 Cavendish House

Kings Road



01273 569227